
Others who are "Links in the Chain"

Carlos Higuera
Rev. Ordell Peterson and family
Sid and Ida Martin
Madre Deborah Davis
Margarita Galicia
Oscar Hernández Mejía
Chris Blair
La Madre Josefina Savino
Dorothy Thiersch
Susana Forrest
Mario Escobedo
Javier Vásquez
Niños y Niñas, A.C.
Joaquín Castilla
Fundación Dr. Simi, A.C.
Mayoreo en Lácteos y Embutidos, S.A. de C.V.
Kevin Wilkieson, MD
Brian y Nancy Davis
Eloisa Valdivieso N.
Alimentos Para la Vida, I.A.P.
Roy Bossingham
Notario Público 8
Wolfgang Loppacher Romero
Ligia Espíritu
Brent and Betty Song
CityClub Home&Office
Dennis Alger
CARAMEL-Pastelería Francesa
DIF Estatal
DIF Municipal
Premium Alimentaria
John and Jennifer Gregg
Tractebel Digaqro, S.A. de C.V.

Thanks for your help, David

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has"
Margaret Mead