Cadena de Ayuda is a member of the umbrella organization, San Miguel Community Foundation. Monetary donations made through this organization are US tax deductible. By visiting their web-site, , one can see that we are listed as a member charity and by accessing the “Donations” section there are instructions on how one can donate to us either using PayPal or by check using the Donations Form and following the directions on that page. It is best to use the Laredo, TX address if one is mailing from the US.
Cadena de Ayuda has a legal constitution, is recognized by the Mexican government as a non-profit organization and has been approved to receive tax-deductible in-kind or monetary donations by the Mexican equivalent of the IRS from Mexican individuals or businesses. Mexican businesses and individuals wishing to donate should contact David using the “Contact” section in the Home.
Currently the institution is supported as follows:
10% from David Peterson´s retirement pension and 90% from individuals and businesses in Mexico and the United States and by three Mexican charitable organizations
The average cost per student is about $70 a month.
We have NO administrative costs and NO employees, but we do use a professional accounting firm. 100% of all donations are used for the beneficiaries. An increase in donations will allow for more residential and external scholarships.